Dr. Qaisar Ali Associates (DQA) is a civil engineering consulting firm capable of providing exceptional structural and earthquake engineering services to clients in the region of Peshawar, Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
To Provide the highest standard of optimized engineering solutions to the construction industry with commitment and integrity.
Dr. Qaisar Ali Associates (DQA) is a Civil Engineering Consulting firm duly registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). The firm has the capability of providing structural and earthquake engineering services through its professional team, which is competent enough to undertake any challenging task. Although, the Chief Executive of the firm, Dr. Qaisar Ali, has been providing Structural and Earthquake Engineering services for the last thirty years, both at the national and international level. Recently, he has remolded and expanded his consulting firm into DQA in order to cope with the emerging challenges of the construction industry through state-of-the-art knowledge backed by hands-on experience in the design and construction supervision and R&D in the field of structural engineering. A notable feature of the DQA design procedure is to maintain proper coordination with the architect over the full course of the project. The DQA believes that interdisciplinary coordination between structural and architectural design leads to the best possible solutions and smooth execution of the project. From the initial planning to final structural design, structural and architectural concerns are mutually communicated, and a proper balance is sought between the two disciplines. Safety and soundness together with economy render a project successful. State-of-the-art rigorous analysis procedures and tools are used to effectively quantify the demands on structural members, which are subsequently used in the proportioning of structural members for safe and economical design in line with standard codes and practices. The quality of drawings prepared at DQA is one of the distinguishing features of this firm. The proper sequence is followed in the preparation of structural drawings. A considerable effort is put into drafting the structural drawings with the intent to make them convenient for field execution and bring the economy to the project.
The Chief Executive of the firm, Dr. Qaisar Ali, has been providing Structural and Earthquake Engineering services for the last thirty years both at the national and international level.
Dr. Qaisar Ali, is Professor/ Pro Vice Chancellor/ Dean at the University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. He has played a key role first in establishing and then in expanding the first ever Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EEC) in Pakistan. He has vast multi-dimensional national and international experience. He is member of various professional bodies including a core group working on the Building Codes of Pakistan (BCP 2021 & BCP SP-07)
He served as advisor on various research projects in the field of structural and earthquake engineering dealing with the seismic response of reinforced concrete frames, unreinforced brick masonry buildings, stone masonry and Dhajji-Dewari traditional buildings. He is on the editorial board of several publications including the World Housing Encyclopedia, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, USA .
An extensive practical work exposure complimented by a strong academic background gives Dr. Qaisar Ali an unmatched insight into the behavior of structures. Dr. Qaisar Ali has remained consultant to various government and non-government, national and international organizations on structural and seismic design issues. His exposure varies from the structural design of buildings (schools, basic health units and multistory structures), bridges and underpasses, to structural design vetting, retrofit and site-specific seismic hazard assessment. He has developed several manuals on seismically safe construction for individuals involved in the construction industry.
The DQA has the capability of providing consultancy services through its professional team which is competent enough to undertake any challenging task in their respective fields. The engagement of our team offers significant advantages including:
The team has work experience with the international development organizations and donor agencies in the field of construction management and has implemented a number of projects from inception till completion. For example, the IMC-UK, ADB-Nepal, GIZ-Germany, USAID, UNDP, World Bank, Mott MacDonald-UK, SDC-Switzerland, JICA-Japan and Church World Services, among others.
The team has professionals having state of the art knowledge and research experience in structural engineering and specialized in designs, feasibility assessment, rehabilitation and retrofitting of vulnerable structures against natural/man-made hazards like earthquakes, floods, winds and blast.
The team includes certified and trained professional engineers to regulate construction in the field as per the design requirements and technical specifications. Experienced in understanding the behavior of structures from field observations, experimental investigations, and numerical analysis.